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Market garden intern / apprentice, single or couple, room & board, May-Oct., Muriel Shores Farm, Kenora, Ontario
Naturally grown farm-stay position, April–October, live on-farm + stipend, west of Montreal, Quebec
Organic veggie farming, full-time, Rooted Oak Farm, south of Ottawa, Ontario
Market gardening/ organic farming, April/May to Oct/Nov., 2-3 positions, Hoppy Fields Farm, Fergus / near Guelph, Ontario
Market Garden Team Lead, full-time, housing, Prince Edward County, Ontario
Organic market gardening / Intern, single or couple, summer or seasonal, housing, Prince Edward County, Ontario
Farmers Market Manager, part-time, Cabbagetown Farmers Market, Toronto ON
Senior Farm Crew, full-time and part-time positions, seasonal, Stable Harvest Farm (non-profit), Langley BC
Summer jobs: Farm Education Crew, Stable Harvest Farm (non-profit), Langley, Metro Vancouver BC
Ecological farming, full-time, Button Brook Farm, Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia
Market gardening (organic), housing, full-time or part-time, Braided Dalea, Markdale, Ontario
Market gardener — Organic veggies, full-time, Still Growing Farm, Winchester, south of Ottawa, Ontario
Farmers market rep, part-time, Fair Sun Farm, Spencerville, between Kemptville & Prescott, Ontario
Organic farming, full-time & part-time positions, housing, Fair Fields, Grey County, Ontario
Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture 2025, experiential learning, tuition, UBC Farm, Vancouver BC
Market Garden / Organic farm production Manager-in-training, full-time, May-Oct., Cold Springs Organics, near Port Hope, Ontario, housing optional
Organic Farm Crew, full-time & part-time positions, full season, Nutrient Dense Farm, Upper Squamish Valley BC (on-site accom)
Organic farms, Community supported agriculture, May-Nov., Manorun Organic Farm, near Hamilton & Burlington, Ontario
Organic market garden assistants, full-time & part-time positions, seasonal, housing, Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
Organic farming, full-time, May-October, Salt & Harrow Farm, Tsawwassen / South Delta BC
Share a regenerative farm, land, housing, garden plots, individual, family or couple, Mats Fine Oils, Ontario
Permaculture Interns, live on-site, April-Sep./flexible, Whole Village Ecovillage, Caledon, Ontario
Ecological/Permaculture Gardener/Intern, vol., camping or cabin, Living Landscapes, near Wakefield QC / Ottawa area
Forest gardens, Regenerative farming, Perennial food forests, permaculture, agroecology, April-October, income share, live on-site, Salt Spring Island BC
Horse-powered Vegetable Farm — Field Crew, full-time, optional on-farm accom., Four Beat Farm, Pemberton Meadows, near Whistler BC
Organic farming — crops & facilities, single or couple, May-Nov. or year-round, private on-farm housing, Foxglove Farm, Salt Spring Island BC
Landscape and Garden assistant, summer/seasonal, housing, Cabot Shores Wilderness Resort and Retreat, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
Cook, full-time, on-site housing, June-Oct..., Cabot Shores Wilderness Resort and Retreat, Cape Breton Island NS
Field Hand and Market Lead, full-time, with accommodations, Vintage Soil Farm, between Ottawa & Kingston, Ontario
Farm Apprentice 2025, on-site accom. / room & board, ALM Organic Farm and Full Circle Seeds, Vancouver Island BC
Garden Manager (no-till gardening), full-time, Earth Haven farm, near Belleville & Tweed, Ontario (on-farm housing)
Organic Farm Field Crew w/ Optional Lead Roles, Rootdown Organic Farm, Pemberton BC, shared off-farm housing available
Field Crew 2025, 4 positions, full-time, Juniper Organic Farm, Wakefield QC, near Ottawa-Gatineau (optional accom.)
Organic Food Delivery Driver, part time/flexible hours, Ottawa Organics, Ottawa, Ontario
Organic gardening/farming 2025, part time, near Georgetown / Halton Hills, GTA, Ontario
Organic farming 2025, housing, May-October, Windy Hill Organic Farm, near Moncton, New Brunswick
Organic Gardening & Permaculture, work exchange, accom., Phoenix Farm and Campground, Salt Spring Island BC
Sustainable & Organic Farming Apprentices 2025, live on-farm, locations across Canada
Organic Grocery Packer, part-time, Ottawa Organics, Ottawa, Ontario
Permaculture organic farm, single or couple, live on site, barter or stipend, Yucatan, Mexico
Farm Maintenance & Construction Internship, full-time, stipend+ meals+ accom., Chuckleberry Community Farm, live on site, near Nelson BC
Permaculture gardens & forest, vol./ barter/ work exchange for accom., Heritage homestead, Sunshine Coast, British Columbia
Horse Sanctuary, Organic Hay Farm & Healing Reatreats, vol. + accom, Rideau Lakes, Ontario
Local, Natural & Organic Food Stores, full-time, part-time & self-employment, across Canada
Grow food — grow your own, jobs, internships, volunteer... anywhere in Canada

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